You can’t be successful if you’re not completely focused on your work or have the drive and determination to get the job done. You always have to be working on your website, even if you think it’s finished, because if you don’t, your competitors will just take over and push you down into second place or worse.
If it was easy to run a successful website, don’t you think everyone would be doing it? Not many people have the drive and determination to be successful as you would think. You could read through plenty of online marketing forums or blogs and think “Man, there are a lot of successful people in here!” but I guarantee you that only 1% of those are making money online right now. Everyone will fake it til they make it since that’s a sure way of getting sales, but not everyone is good at it.
You can only be successful if you love what you do, have the goal of being free, you can put a minimum of 50 hours a week into your projects, and you should never think you’re on top because you’ll then get complacent.
Love What You Do
If you don’t love what you do, you probably won’t last long, mainly because you’ll burn out quicker than most people because you’ll see the work as tedious. A website isn’t successful right away, it takes hours for designing and marketing before you get enough traffic to say you’re successful, and not many people want to work for free in hopes of being successful later.
Loving what you do will get you through the times where you’re not profiting because you actually like what you’re doing and can keep writing and adding content or building pages for your website for later success.
Do It For The Glory
People go online because they want to make money and be free, just like why I started doing it, but I also started working online because I didn’t want a boss.
If you’re working online just to make money, you might get discouraged because that never happens quickly, so you better have some goals in mind that you want to hit. Set short-term goals and long-term ones so you actually achieve some before you hit a wall.
Don’t monitor how much money you’re actually profiting, just know you’re making money and it will scale up. If you’re constantly monitoring how much money you’re profiting you could get greedy and not want to spend any of it. But, you need to spend money in order to make money, there’s no way around this.
Don’t Stop Working So You Can Retire Early
You’ll need to work non-stop so you can retire earlier than you think would be possible. There’s a saying I like to quote in my head, and it goes “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t” and that gets me through the tough times when I want to throw in the towel and take a week off.
Always Think You’re In Second Place
If you ever do become the main company that is generating all of the sales within your niche, you should never think you’re the king of the hill, because you’ll slow down and open up opportunities for your competitors to take over. Many companies across the globe have hit the peak of their success then slowed down, and now they’re in 4th or 5th place because of it. Their competitors saw an opportunity to take over, they never stopped working hard, and now they’re in the first place.
If you always think you’re fighting for the top spot in the search engines, always fighting to be the main authority within your niche, or always fighting to get the most clients in a month then you’ll likely be successful for a long time.
In The End
Working online isn’t the easiest thing to do, mainly because it isn’t very rewarding in the beginning, but all the work you put into it can yield a lot of fruit when you eventually do become successful. So, stick with it and push yourself through the hard times, you’ll see your work starting to compile and your profits gradually increasing.